
Cactus Garden

Cactus Garden

Founded in 1987, the Cactus Garden is located at Sector 5 in the satellite city of Chandigarh and it covers an area of 7 acres. Officially known as the National Cactus and Succulent Botanical Garden and Research Centre, the garden was established to preserve and conserve this endangered species. Genus Caralluma of Indian origin is seen here with some of the endangered species.

Designed by Dr. J.S. Sarkaria, it is Asia's largest outdoor landscaped cacti and succulent garden. The garden is devoted to rare and endangered species having more than 3, 500 species. Cactus Garden has a collection of Indian succulents, which is considered to be the largest in the world.

The garden has 272 species of the genus Mammillaria and 160 species have been naturalized outdoors. Highlights of the garden include Echinocactus grusonii and a group of Bursera (Mexican Origin). In the garden are also housed Cactus Carnegia gigantea, a collection of pachypodium, Fouquieria splendens from Arizona, and adenia venenata that belongs to the Passifloraceae family and has been brought from Yemen.

Different styles of bonsai are displayed in the garden. Nine glasshouses in the garden have a collection of varied genera of cactus. Collections of haworthias, aloes, and gastritis are other prominent highlights of the garden. In the garden, plants are also available for sale. The Cactus show also is organized at this garden during March every year.

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