
Bougainvillea Garden

Bougainvillea Garden

The Bougainvillea Garden was set up in 1976 and was built in tribute to India's first Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru. The very famous Le Corbusier designed the park. It exemplifies Chandigarh's dedication to blending nature with urban planning.

The garden is spread across a total area of 20 acres. How the garden is designed and arranged is truly a form of art.

Walking into the Bougainvillea Garden feels like stepping into a world painted with lively and bright colors. The garden is home to over 65 types of bougainvillea, each displaying a special mix of colors, including pinks, purples, reds, oranges, and whites.

As you walk along the paths, the vines and blooms weave together to create a magical roof that turns every nook into a perfect spot for photos.

The bougainvillea plants are carefully pruned and shaped into intricate arches, domes, and trellises. These imaginative setups show off how adaptable the bougainvillea plant is and can be shaped into impressive displays.

The garden also has neat lawns, fountains, and walkways that offer a calm and soothing atmosphere for visitors to relax and unwind.

If you love taking pictures, the Bougainvillea Garden is your thing. From close-up shots of single flowers to wide-angle captures of the entire garden, every photo tells a story of the beauty of nature and human imagination.

One of the most wonderful things about the Bougainvillea Garden is how it offers a peaceful retreat right in the middle of the busy city. As you stroll through the pathways, the gentle sound of water from the fountains, the soft rustling of leaves, and the fragrant breeze give you a much-needed break from the noise and rush of the city. It's a place to pause, gather your thoughts, and recharge your senses.

Beyond being a paradise for visitors, the Bougainvillea Garden hosts various cultural events, exhibitions, and flower shows. These events not only put the garden's natural beauty on display but also create a sense of togetherness and festivity for both locals and tourists.

Its popularity lies in its varied shaped bougainvilleas- arch, pavilions, a cluster of bowers, and arcades. The annual Bougainvillea festival is a major draw here.

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