
Rajgir Hot Springs

Rajgir Hot Springs

Rajgir Hot Springs, also known as Brahmakund, is located in the ancient city of Rajgir in Bihar, India. These hot springs hold religious significance for Hindus and Buddhists and are located at the foot of the Vaibhava Hills. It is believed that the water from these springs contains medicinal properties due to the presence of various minerals. Hindus consider the waters of Brahmakund, a central hot spring, sacred and perform rituals there.

The hot water bubbles out from the Saptadhara, seven streams believed to find their source behind the 'Saptaparni Caves' up in the hills. The hottest of the springs is the Brahmakund with a constant temperature of about 45°C. A complex of temples and the Lakshmi Narayan Tower are located close to the springs, enhancing their religious and cultural importance. The peaceful ambiance and the lush greenery around the springs offer a refreshing experience to visitors. The site also includes facilities that channel the hot water into baths which visitors can use.

The hot springs on this site are believed to have sacred healing powers for chronic ailments.

Hindu devotes from all over the country visit Rajgir with Brahma Kund as their focal point to take a dip in the sacred water of this hot spring.

These 11 hot water springs thronged by the Hindus are believed to have healing power for several chronic ailments.

There is a separate enclosed spring which is exclusively meant for ladies. The vendors sell ritualistic articles along the sides of the wide flight of stairs that leads to the Kund.

Historical Perspective of Rajgir Hot Springs

The Rajgir Hot Springs, often known as Brahmakund, is located in the scenic valley of Rajgir in Bihar, India. The history of these natural hot water springs dates back to ancient times and has been a significant attraction for both pilgrims and tourists for centuries. The Rajgir Hot Springs are not just renowned for their therapeutic properties but also their religious significance in both Buddhism and Hinduism.

The Ancient Attraction of Rajgir Hot Springs

The Rajgir Hot Springs has been a destination for wellness and spirituality since the time of the Mahabharata, with its early mentions in various Hindu epics signifying its ancient roots. It's believed that these waters can purify and heal, making them a sought-after pilgrimage for many devout followers.

Buddhist Significance of Rajgir Hot Springs

Rajgir, formerly known as Rajagriha, was the first capital of the Magadha Kingdom and an important site in Buddhist history. Lord Buddha spent several years in Rajgir and delivered many sermons here. The hot springs, being in close proximity to the Gridhakuta Hill where Buddha preached, have always been a draw for Buddhist pilgrims, who take a holy dip before their rituals and prayers.

Hindu Mythology of Rajgir Hot Springs

In Hindu mythology, the hot springs are reputedly linked to Lord Brahma, the creator of the universe in Hindu cosmology. The Brahmakund, the sacred hot water spring, and the hottest among them are believed to emanate from 'Saptadhara' - the seven streams, believed to be the seven holy rivers.

Attraction Throughout the Ages of Rajgir Hot Springs

Throughout history, the Rajgir Hot Springs have attracted sages, monks, kings, and common folk alike. Their prominence thrived during the Maurya and Gupta empires, as evidenced by the archaeological remains and inscriptions depicting the grandeur of the period and these hot springs as a communal center.

The Modern Era of Rajgir Hot Springs

In recent times, Rajgir has become a significant spot on the Buddhist pilgrimage circuit, with tourists from across the globe visiting the ancient Nalanda University ruins, Rajgir Wildlife Sanctuary, and the Rajgir Hot Springs. The springs are now well-developed with facilities like bathhouses and accommodations for visitors seeking the therapeutic benefits of the mineral-rich waters.

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