
Bhimbandh Wildlife Sanctuary

Bhimbandh Wildlife Sanctuary

Bhimbandh Wildlife Sanctuary is undoubtedly one of the biggest and most popular wildlife sanctuaries situated in Bihar. The name of the sanctuary is associated with the Hindu epic of Mahabharata, and the wildlife sanctuary is named after one of the central characters of the epic, Bheema. It is believed that Bheema and his brothers, the Pandavas, have constructed a dam, so the name, Bhimbandh.

BhimbandhWildlife Sanctuary is in the foothills of the Kharagpur hills, which adjoins the forest land that forms the Bhimbandh Wildlife Sanctuary. Nearly 700 km of the area here is a part of Bhimbandmh Wildlife Sanctuary, which extends to these forests and the foothills.

This part of the forest, covered by small hills and valleys, is indeed a treat to the eyes. Apart from the forests, the tourists can also find some excellent attractions like hot springs in the valleys. As the forests of Bhimbandh Wildlife Sanctuary lie on the banks of the Ganges river, hot springs like the Sita Kund, Rishi Kund, etc., are some of the finest attractions of the place.

One of the other major specialties of the location is that the hot springs here maintain the temperature all year round, no matter what is happening. Round the year, these hot springs at Bhimbandh Wildlife Sanctuary have an average temperature of nearly 58 to 60. Before taking a deeper look into the Bhimbandh Wildlife Sanctuary, tourists can also consider visiting some of the primary tourist attractions near Bhimbandh Wildlife Sanctuary which include, Rishi Kund, Sita Kund, Rameshwar Kund, and even the lake of Kharagpur.

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