Mata Kalaratri Navratri Day 7: Mantra, Puja Vidhi, Bhog, Aarti

Mata Kalaratri Navratri Day 7: Mantra, Puja Vidhi, Bhog, Aarti

Kalaratri is the seventh of the 9 forms of the Goddess Parvati, called the Navadurga. She is first referenced in the Durga Saptashati, Chapters 81-93 of the Markandeya Purana, the earliest notable literature on the Goddess Durga. Kalaratri is widely considered one among the various destructive form of the Mother Goddess, that embody Kali, Mahakali, Bhadrakali, Bhairavi, Mrityu, Rudrani, Chamunda, Chandi, and Durga.

The complexion of Kalaratri is that of the darkest of nights with bountiful hair and a heavenly-shaped form. She has four hands - the left two hands hold a scimitar and a thunderbolt and the right two are in the varada (blessing) and Abhaya (protecting) mudras. She wears a necklace that shines like the moon. Kaalratri has three eyes that emanate rays like lightning. Flames appear through her nostrils when she inhales or exhales. Her mount is the donkey, sometimes considered as a corpse.

Day 7 Navratri

Kalaratri Mata / Saptami

On Saptami, the day is specially dedicated to the deity Kalaratri. She is said to be fierce and has conjointly frightened the evil spirits everywhere in the universe. She is the most destructive avatar of Kali Devi and rules over Lord Shani (Saturn Planet)


Once there were two demons named Shumbha and Nishumbha, who invaded devaloka and defeated the demigods. Indra the ruler of the gods, along with the other gods went to the Himalayas to get Lord Shiva's help in retrieving their abode. Together, they prayed to Goddess Parvati. Parvati heard their prayer while she was bathing, so she created another goddess, Chandi (Ambika) to assist the gods by vanquishing the demons. Chanda and Munda were two demon generals sent by Shumbha and Nishumbha. When they came to battle her, Goddess Chandi created a dark goddess, Kali (in some accounts, called Kaalratri). Kali/Kaalratri killed them, thereby acquiring the name Chamunda.

Thereupon, a demon named Raktabija arrived. Raktabija had the boon that if any drop of blood of his fell onto the ground, a clone of him would be created. When Kaalratri attacked him, his spilled blood gave rise to several clones of him. As such, it became impossible to defeat him. So while battling, Kaalratri furious at this, drank his blood to prevent it from falling down, eventually killing Raktabija and helping goddess Chandi to kill his commanders, Shumbha and Nishumbha.

She became so fierce and destructive that she started killing everyone whoever coming in front of her. All the gods prayed in front of GGod Shiva to stop her so shiv decided to come below her foot trying to stop her. When she was engaged in killing everyone, God Shiva appeared below her foot. By seeing her beloved husband below her foot, she bit her tongue(Her idols and pictures contain this look) and helped him(God Shiva) to stand, and in the guilt, she forgot about the fight and hence God Shiva calmed her down.

The rituals

On this day one should get up early in the morning and take a bath after retiring from all routine activities. Then start worshiping the mother. First of all worship Lord Ganesha. Worship the Kalash deity duly. After this, offer Akshat, incense, flowers of night queen, smell, roli, sandalwood to the mother. After this, offer paan, betel nut to the mother. Perform aarti of the mother by burning ghee or camphor. Listen to the fast story.

Mata Kalratri Bhog

Kalratri is worshiped on the seventh day. Worshiping Goddess Kalratri, who gives freedom from ghosts and ghosts, removes all sorrows. It is said that on this day the mother should offer jaggery and dry fruits laddus. After offering laddus to the mother on this day, donating to Brahmins removes the pain.

Temples of Maa Kalratri

  • Kalratri -Varanasi Temple, D.8/17, Kalika Galli, which is a lane parallel to Annapurna – Vishwanath
  • Kaalratri Temple, Dumri Buzurg, Nayagaon, Bihar
  • Kalratri -Vindhyachal, Mirzapur (UP).
  • Kalratri Temple- Patiala, Punjab
  • Kalratri Temple- Sangrur, Punjab

Color of 7th Navratri

Royal Blue

On the Day 7 of Navratri, wear royal blue kurtas, skirts, and sarees to bring in elegance and royalty into the festive time and also into your life. Royal blue signifies an unmatched charisma, and a passion to excel in whatever you aim in life.

Maa Kalratri Mantras

ॐ देवी कालरात्र्यै नमः॥

Om Devi Kalaratryai Namah॥

एकवेणी जपाकर्णपूरा नग्ना खरास्थिता।

लम्बोष्ठी कर्णिकाकर्णी तैलाभ्यक्त शरीरिणी॥

वामपादोल्लसल्लोह लताकण्टकभूषणा।

वर्धन मूर्धध्वजा कृष्णा कालरात्रिर्भयङ्करी॥

Ekaveni Japakarnapura Nagna Kharasthita।

Lamboshthi Karnikakarni Tailabhyakta Sharirini॥

Vamapadollasalloha Latakantakabhushana।

Vardhana Murdhadhwaja Krishna Kalaratrirbhayankari॥

या देवी सर्वभूतेषु माँ कालरात्रि रूपेण संस्थिता। नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमस्तस्यै नमो नमः॥

Ya Devi Sarvabhuteshu Ma Kalaratri Rupena Samsthita

Namastasyai Namastasyai Namastasyai Namo Namah

Maa Kalratri Aarti

काल के मुंह से बचाने वाली

दुष्ट संहारिणी नाम तुम्हारा

महा चंडी तेरा अवतारा

पृथ्वी और आकाश पर सारा

महाकाली है तेरा पसारा

खंडा खप्पर रखने वाली

दुष्टों का लहू चखने वाली

कलकत्ता स्थान तुम्हारा

सब जगह देखूं तेरा नजारा

सभी देवता सब नर नारी

गावे स्तुति सभी तुम्हारी

रक्तदंता और अन्नपूर्णा

कृपा करे तो कोई भी दुःख ना

ना कोई चिंता रहे ना बीमारी

ना कोई गम ना संकट भारी

उस पर कभी कष्ट ना आवे

महाकाली मां जिसे बचावे

तू भी ‘भक्त’ प्रेम से कह

कालरात्रि मां तेरी जय

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